
Your assignment is to implement a bookstore REST API using PHP and Laravel.


Lohgarra, a Wookie from Kashyyyk, has a great idea. She wants to build a marketplace that allows her and her friends to self-publish their adventures and sell them online to other Wookies. The profits would then be collected and donated to purchase medical supplies for an impoverished Ewok settlement.


  • Implement assignment using:
    • Language: PHP
    • Framework: Laravel
  • Implement a REST API returning JSON or XML based on the Content-Type header
  • Implement a custom user model with a "author pseudonym" field
  • Implement a book model. Each book should have a title, description, author (your custom user model), cover image and price
    • Choose the data type for each field that makes the most sense
  • Provide an endpoint to authenticate with the API using username, password and return a JWT
  • Implement REST endpoints for the /books resource
    • No authentication required
    • Allows only GET (List/Detail) operations
    • Make the List resource searchable with query parameters
  • Provide REST resources for the authenticated user
    • Implement the typical CRUD operations for this resource
    • Implement an endpoint to unpublish a book (DELETE)
  • Implement API tests for all endpoints

Evaluation Criteria

  • PHP best practices
  • If you are using a framework make sure best practices are followed for models, configuration and tests
  • Write API tests for all implemented endpoints
  • Make sure that users may only unpublish their own books
  • Bonus: Make sure the user Darth Vader is unable to publish his work on Wookie Books


Please organize, design, test and document your code as if it were going into production - then push your changes to the master branch. After you have pushed your code, you may submit the assignment on the assignment page.

All the best and happy coding,


git clone https://github.com/lovecoding-git/bookstore-api

cd bookstore-api

cp -r .env.example .env

composer install

php artisan migrate

php artisan db:seed # for demo data

php artisan jwt:secret # generate JWT_SECRET

php artisan serve #running on default port 8000

In order to test XML response, we need to send Header Accept as application/xml.