
Parameterize "timeout" and "pause" variables in "wait_for_service"

jeromecremers opened this issue · 0 comments

timeout and pause are now hardcoded. My service unfortunately reaches timout during CI/CD.

Suggested solution:

def wait_for_service(self, service, private_port, timeout=30, pause=0.1, check_server=check_url):
        Waits for the given service to response to a http GET.

        :param service: the service name as defined in the docker compose file
        :param private_port: the private port as defined in docker compose file
        :param check_server: optional function to check if the server is ready
                             (default check method makes GET request to '/'
                              of HTTP endpoint)
        :return: the public port of the service exposed to host system if any
        public_port = self.port_for(service, private_port)
            check=lambda: check_server(self.docker_ip, public_port),
        return public_port