
Can't run in macos Apple M2 Ultra

Closed this issue · 2 comments

build in macos,

the log as following:

(base) fanmac@M2-Ultra-Lan SenseVoice.cpp % ./build/bin/sense-voice-main -m ./models/gguf-fp32-sense-voice-small.bin ./asr_example_zh.wav -t 4
sense_voice_small_init_from_file_with_params_no_state: loading model from './models/gguf-fp32-sense-voice-small.bin'
sense_voice_init_with_params_no_state: use gpu    = 1
sense_voice_init_with_params_no_state: flash attn = 0
sense_voice_init_with_params_no_state: gpu_device = 0
sense_voice_model_load: version:      3
sense_voice_model_load: alignment:   32
sense_voice_model_load: data offset: 444480
sense_voice_model_load: loading model
sense_voice_model_load: n_vocab = 25055
sense_voice_model_load: n_encoder_hidden_state = 512
sense_voice_model_load: n_encoder_linear_units = 2048
sense_voice_model_load: n_encoder_attention_heads  = 4
sense_voice_model_load: n_encoder_layers = 50
sense_voice_model_load: n_mels  = 80
sense_voice_model_load: ftype  = 1
sense_voice_model_load: vocab[25055] loaded
sense_voice_model_load: Metal total size =   935.21 MB
sense_voice_model_load: n_tensors: 1197
sense_voice_model_load: load SenseVoiceSmall takes 0.317000 second 
sense_voice_backend_init_gpu: using Metal backend
ggml_metal_init: allocating
ggml_metal_init: found device: Apple M2 Ultra
ggml_metal_init: picking default device: Apple M2 Ultra
ggml_metal_init: using embedded metal library
ggml_metal_init: GPU name:   Apple M2 Ultra
ggml_metal_init: GPU family: MTLGPUFamilyApple8  (1008)
ggml_metal_init: GPU family: MTLGPUFamilyCommon3 (3003)
ggml_metal_init: GPU family: MTLGPUFamilyMetal3  (5001)
ggml_metal_init: simdgroup reduction support   = true
ggml_metal_init: simdgroup matrix mul. support = true
ggml_metal_init: hasUnifiedMemory              = true
ggml_metal_init: recommendedMaxWorkingSetSize  = 154618.82 MB
sense_voice_init_state: kv pad  size  =    3.67 MB
ggml_backend_metal_buffer_type_alloc_buffer: error: failed to allocate buffer, size =     0.00 MiB
ggml_gallocr_reserve_n: failed to allocate Metal buffer of size 0
zsh: segmentation fault  ./build/bin/sense-voice-main -m ./models/gguf-fp32-sense-voice-small.bin  -t 

Unfortunately, the Metal GPU backend is not supported yet, only the CPU can be used for now. I’ll do my best to adapt it.

cool work, I run it ok by -ng parameter.