
Daniel Arantes Loverde - Resume / VCard

Daniel Arantes Loverde

Location: Campinas / Aguaí - SP - Brazil
WhatsApp Chat: +55 (19) 99511.2758
Email: daniel@loverde.com.br
GitHub: @loverde-co
BitBucket: loverde_co
Telegram: @loverde
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/danieloverde/

About Me

Working with iOS development since 2010.
Working with back-end development since 1998.

Technical lead and iOS development

Swift and Objective - C

I've solid knowledge in webservices integrations (RESTful) and also to build them.

Knowledge in common software development patterns: MVVM, MVC, SOLID.

Knowledge in CocoaPods

Knowledge in these frameworks:
UIKIT, Foundation, CoreGraphics, CoreData, ARKit, Quartz, SystemConfiguration, MobileCoreServices, Security, CoreLocation, MapKit, EventKit, CrashReporter, CFNetwork, AFNetworking, CoreVideo, Crashlytics.

Automated Tests:
Unit Tests: XCTests UI / Funcional Tests: Xcode UITest

Experience with HTML, CSS and JS development since 1998
Experience with PHP and MySQL development since 2000
Experience with iOS development since 2010
Experience with SCRUM.

More detailed info

Mobile Development

  • Swift / Objective-C
  • C#

Tools, Frameworks, Stacks and Front End Methodologies


  • PHP
  • Apache
  • Firebase
  • Parse
  • DevOps


  • XCode
  • Fastlane
  • Unity C#
  • Atom

Databases - Relational and NoSQL

  • MySQL
  • SQLite
  • Firebase

Version Control Systems

  • GitHub
  • BitBucket

Agile Methodologies

  • Scrum
  • Extreme Programming

Business and Startup Knowledge

  • Lean Canvas
  • Business Model Canvas

Data Analysis

  • App Annie
  • Fabrics
  • Firebase

Operation Systems

  • Unix commands
  • Linux
  • Mac OS X

Work Experience

Founder - [2019 ~ Present]
@ Loverde Company

A Legal Person company created for Freelancers or contracts for a specified some time.
Since 2019 working for companies as a legal entity more effectively as iOS Senior/Tech Lead.
During these years at the company, I helped companies evolve their apps, for example:

Shell Box, Iguatemi One, Pernambucanas, Carrefour, Natura, Banco Mercantil and many others.

I am ready to offer comprehensive support and innovative strategies to drive your company's success.
Location: Aguaí - SP - Brazil ( Homeoffice )

Project Manager - [Jan/2014 ~ Jan/2019]
@ RD3 Mkt Digital

Apps and Game developer in iOS ( Swift / Objective-C ) and Android
Location: Campinas - SP - Brazil ( Homeoffice )

Project Manager - [Jan/2012 ~ Jan/2014]
@ Cacau Limão

Apps and Game developer in iOS ( Swift / Objective-C ) and Android
Location: Campinas - SP - Brazil ( in loco )

Co Founder - [Jan/2010 ~ Jan/2012]
@ Moblues

Analyst and web development institutional projects, promotional and CRM. Leader of business expansion for Mobile Web, iPhone, iPad and Android.
Location: Campinas - SP - Brazil ( in loco )

Programmer Analyst - [Jan/2010 ~ Jan/2012]
@ Pronto Casei

Development of new features providing scalability and expansion project, using object oriented programming, database modeling and requirements analysis.
Location: Campinas - SP - Brazil ( in loco )

Programmer Analyst - [May/2005 ~ Jan/2010]
@ W3.0

Analysis and development of CMS projects for internet, extranet and intranet.
Location: Campinas - SP - Brazil ( in loco )

Web Master - [May/2003 ~ Jan/2005]
@ Hintze Comunicação

Web Developer and Web Standard in analysis and development of CMS projects for internet, extranet and intranet.
Location: Campinas - SP - Brazil ( in loco )

Web Developer - [Jan/2000 ~ Jan/2003]
@ GraphPress

Website Development and advertisements.
Location: Campinas - SP - Brazil ( in loco )

Internship in Art Direction - [1995 ~ 1997]
@ Biga & Dias

Graphic designer and stage web design.
Location: Campinas - SP - Brazil ( in loco )


Bachelor of Computer Engenieering, February 2018 ~ December 2022.
First class of the Aguaí Polo
UNIVESP - Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo

Bachelor of Information Systems, February 2008 - December 2012.
IPEP - Faculdades Integradas IPEP

Bachelor's degree Field Of StudyDesign Gráfico, February 2001 - December 2005.
CEUNSP - Salto
