add request for auto-detect esp32s3-devkitc-1-n8r2
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Carefully written requests are more likely to be given priority.
Device Name (デバイスの名称・型番等)
spi channels 0 and 1 are spoken for.
so this request is for support for 2 and 3.
also need a way to specify pin numbers to be used to wire the display (ili9341 - even with auto detect (multiple #define); although the nicer way would be to support a json confguration file that would separate these kinds of choices from the code itself -- kind of like platformio.ini.
URL of Device Specifications document (仕様書等のURL)
URL of the store where we can purchase (商品を購入できるURL)
esp32-s3 is already supported and natively detected by this library
Autodetect is for known device bundles e.g. M5Stack, M5CoreS3, ESP32-S3-Box, if your build is custom then you should use a custom LGFX config block
see lgfx_user folder with a few config examples
also see the discussions tab
closing this as esp32-s3 ans ili9341 are already supported, so not a device support request