
Title case

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I have a problem with DocDown. It seems to automatically change the characters in titles to Title Case. Can you think of a remedy? I checked my .csl thoroughly, everything is set to Sentence case there. Moreover, the CSL visual editor renders my bibliography correctly, in Sentence case.

Hi! Could you run the following command in Terminal and see if you get the same results as through DocDown? (If you haven't already, you will have to install Pandoc and pandoc-citeproc first).

pandoc -s --filter pandoc-citeproc --bibliography /path/to/Zotero/bibliography/file.bib --csl /path/to/csl/file.csl --reference-doc /path/to/reference/doc/file.doc -f markdown+smart+escaped_line_breaks -t docx -o /path/to/output/file.docx

If the results are the same, it suggests the problem lies with Pandoc. You should also see if that affects the output you're experiencing in #4.

Hmmm, I tried many times, but I cannot get any output file. I do have pandoc and I (re)installed pandoc-citeproc just to be sure. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with all the Terminal and Pandoc magic.

pandoc -s --filter pandoc-citeproc --bibliography /Users/jakub/test/bbt.bib --csl /Users/jakub/test/orient.csl --reference-doc /Users/jakub/test/reference.docx -f markdown+smart+escaped_line_breaks -t docx -o /Users/jakub/test/test.docx

I'm so sorry, I forgot the crucial thing, your input Markdown document!

pandoc /YOUR/MARKDOWN/DOCUMENT.md -s --filter pandoc-citeproc --bibliography /Users/jakub/test/bbt.bib --csl /Users/jakub/test/orient.csl --reference-doc /Users/jakub/test/reference.docx -f markdown+smart+escaped_line_breaks -t docx -o /Users/jakub/test/test.docx

You were right. With Terminal I get exactly the same result. I understand it is entirely a pandoc-related issue and Downdoc is fine. But if you have any thoughts, don't hesitate. Thank for your help and thank you for this very useful app.

Problem solved. One needs to specify the language in all non-English items to protect them from this imperialistic Anglo-Saxon titlecasing.

I think this is also solved in the commit that allows you to use a .json or .yaml bibliography file: 521285a