loads endless / no debug switch
Finkregh opened this issue · 5 comments
the GUI loads endlessly, is it possible that the state-file is too big?
# wget http://localhost:8081/state -O /tmp/state
# ls -lah /tmp/state
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 246K Jan 4 14:40 /tmp/state
# ls -la /tmp/state
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 251365 Jan 4 14:40 /tmp/state
edit: The site appears as soon as i close down the nagios-api-server...
It would also be nice to have some sort of debug-switch that it is possible to see the (parsing-) state in the web-frontend...
Are you using the latest version that includes gzip? Does that help?
The latest version also added some debug into the HTML comments. If you hit nagdash.php instead of index.php directly (so it stops constantly refreshing), view the source of the page you will see some stats about how long it took to download and parse the data.
I've noticed internally (and our state file is 12MB!) that it seems to nagios-api that is taking the time, rather than Nagdash. I have a note to see if that can be optimised in any way.
Let me know if that helps
still no change
if i kill the server right after starting wget
# wc -l /var/log/icinga/icinga.log
2209 /var/log/icinga/icinga.log
# grep -v retention /var/log/icinga/icinga.log |wc -l
831 seconds!? for 99 hosts? Wow. Something definitely not right there.
I assume this is outside of Nagdash, as that's 831 seconds transfer time before any sort of parsing on the PHP end. Does it do the same if you run it from the Nagios host using wget?
If so, you will probably want to file an issue with nagios-api. (https://github.com/xb95/nagios-api)
nah, if i let the wget run for a longer time... look at the second line:
14691 bytes in 0.673932 seconds
also: claim your flattr: https://flattr.com/thing/1100687/lozzdNagdash-on-GitHub :)