vSphere with Tanzu Helper scripts

In this repository, you will find a collection of helpful scripts that users can use to troubleshoot and/or interact with vSphere with Tanzu.

  1. exec-on-tkgs-nodes.sh - Script to execute a command on all the nodes of a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster on vSphere 7. Make sure you run this script in the Supervisor Cluster context. Pass command-line arguments as per your requirements
$ ./exec-on-tkgs-nodes.sh -n [Namespace within the Supervisor Cluster, where the TKGs cluster resides] -t [Name of the TKGs cluster] -c [Command to execute, use ' or " to input multiple strings as command] 
# For example - 
$ ./exec-on-tkgs-nodes.sh -n demo1 -t workload-vsphere-tkg1 -c 'sudo cat /etc/kubernetes/extra-config/audit-policy.yaml'

Note:- At the initial run, it may take a couple of minutes for the script to execute commands as the jump box gets ready successfully. Also, During the initial runs, you may have to enter Yes to accept the nodes' SSH thumbprint.

  1. download-images-offline-tkr.sh - This is a handy script to download Tanzu Kunbernetes Releases(TKR) OVA images from the VMware Subscribed content library. This is particularly helpful when the vCenter is in a firewalled environment, and the Kubernetes content library needs to be populated with the TKR images. This script downloads and zips the ova files to be easily transported to the offline environment for easy upload to the content library.
$ ./download-images-offline-tkr.sh

The VMware subscribed content library has the following Tanzu Kubernetes Release images ...


Enter the name of the TanzuKubernetesRelease OVA that you want to download and zip for offline upload: ob-16924027-photon-3-k8s-v1.17.11---vmware.1-tkg.1.15f1e18

  1. get-harbor-admin-password.sh - The Harbor registry delivered through vSphere with Tanzu is heavily locked down, and the admin credentials are a bit difficult to extract. This script helps to get the required credentials. Due to current limitations, the Harbor namespace is locked down, and this script needs to be executed from the WCP Supervisor control plane VM(s).


  1. tkgs-cluster.yaml and tkgs-config.yaml - These are two config files that can be used to deploy TKG workload clusters on vSphere with Tanzu. tkgs-config.yaml is used to modify the global default configurations and hence should be executed as soon as the Supervisor Cluster has been deployed. tkgs-cluster.yaml can be modified and used to deploy Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster.

  1. create-wcp-privuser.sh - GOVC script to create a user with permissions to modify WCP objects in the VCenter for WCP protected objects. This is Highly expermental and should only be used for troubleshooting purposes. To execute, modify the following variables in the script as per your enviornment and then execute the script.
export GOVC_URL=myvcenter.vmware.local
export GOVC_USERNAME=administrator@vsphere.local
export GOVC_PASSWORD=myvcenterpassword
export GOVC_INSECURE=true
$ ./create-wcp-privuser.sh

This will create a user called wcpadmin with the relevent privilages to the WCP objects within the vCenter server.