
Serverless Django web app

Primary LanguagePython

Serverless Django

This is a serverless implementation of Python Django running on AWS Lambda & RDS via API Gateway + S3 static asset hosting.

View the site:

S3 Sync

aws s3 sync ./static/ s3://zappa-bg95bqbw1/static/

About This Configuration

  • django: latest version.
  • mysqlclient: latest version. used to faciliate connections to AWS RDS MySQL
  • zappa: latest version. used to deploy this code base to AWS Lambda
  • django-environ: latest version. to strip sensitive data (passwords, IAM credentials, etc) from the code base
  • django-bower: latest version. front-end package manager. manages jquery, popper, bootstrap, d3, etc.
  • django-npm: latest version. facilitates calls to Node Package Manager from within Python.
  • django-pipeline: Deployment work flow management.
  • boto3: not currently in use.
  • django-storages: not currently in use.

Stack Resources

Zappa Deployment to AWS Lambda

Zappa Deployment Resources

  1. add AWS Credentials to ~/.aws/credentials
  2. Install AWS CLI
pip install awscli
  1. Create Python Virtual Environment
# cd to the local git repository
virtualenv -p python3.6 .env3   # note: Zappa requires Python 3.6
source .env3/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run local Django web server:
# cd into repository
source .env3/bin/activate
python mysite/manage.py runserver
  1. Setup IAM user for Zappa see aws-iam-policy.json for a quasi-correct example of minimum settings. This currently is still lacking one or more as-of-yet unknown permissions. The workaround in to temporarily make the IAM user an AWS admin (very bad.)

  2. Zappa commands

zappa init         # see notes below on installation details
zappa deploy dev   # Deploy app to AWS
zappa undeploy dev # Delete from AWS
zappa update dev   # update existing app to AWS
zappa manage dev "collectstatic --noinput"    # collect static assets
zappa tail         # view Lambda execution log
zappa -h

settings.py notes

  • DATABASES: changed settings to AWS RDS MySQL. config settings are stored locally in mysite/.env
  • ALLOWED_HOSTS: added FQDN's for amazon.com and lawrencemcdaniel.com per suggestions in teh Django - Zappa Guide
  • SECRET_KEY: moved to locally-stored .env file
  • DEBUG: moved to locally-stored .env file

Zappa setup notes

  • accept all of the defaults in zappa init
  • manually add vpc_config section to zappa_settings.json

.gitignore notes

added the following:

  • DjangoTemplates.env
  • .env3
  • django-lawrence-dev-template*.json