
A plugin for Metalsmith for consuming and using JSON navigation hierarchies.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A plugin for Metalsmith for consuming and using JSON navigation hierarchies. This plugin is in development.


$ npm install lrenhrda/metalsmith-hierarchies


By default this plugin looks in the ./hierarchies/ directory for JSON files that describe hierarchies of navigation for a site. It processes each hierarchy it finds and injects additional data before making them all available to Metalsmith.

Hierarchies are node-based structures that can be nested. Each node requires at least a "name" property, and optionally "pages", which is an array of all child pages in the structure. As the tree is traversed, path segments are generated from the "name" field or from an optional overriding "slug" field, and the segment is used to construct the path to the node. One may also override the path of a node by defining a "path" segment manually on a node. The top-level begins with 0 and the name of the structure for the "name" field.

Once these files are processed they are made available to Metalsmith under the hierarchies metadata property.


Via JavaScript

var hierarchies = require('metalsmith-hierarchies');

gulp.task('build', function() {
  return gulp.src('./content/**/*.*')
      use: [


hierarchies: './hierarchies/';

The location where hierarchy JSON files should be looked for.

metaProperty: 'hierarchy';

The name of the property to use for the final compiled metadata.
