
A simple implementation of the mediator pattern for Javascript asynchronous events

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Version 0.7.0

For more information, please see

my blog post

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A light utility class to help implement the Mediator pattern to ease asynchronous programming

Mediator is a simple class that allows you to register, unregister, and call subscriber methods to help event-based, asyncronous programming. Its purpose is to make the usage of WebSockets, AJAX calls, or any other asynchronous operations easier to maintain and test.

<1k bytes, minifed and gzipped


My specific use case: bind elements easily for websocket callbacks. But, you may find usage in it for all kinds of things: as an event management system, to decouple calls between javascript functions, ajax request callbacks, and more. There's an excellent article that talks about Mediators more in detail by Addy Osmani (that made me go back and refactor this code a bit.)


You can register events with the mediator two ways: using channels, or with a predicate to perform more complex matching. Predicates are run using whatever args are passed in by the publishing class. Instantiate a new mediator, and then you can being subscribing, removing, and publishing.

Subscription signature:

(channel, callback, <options>, <context>);
Mediator.Publish(channel, <data, data, ... >)

Callback signature:

function(<data, data ...>, channel);

Mediator.Subscribe options (all are optional; default is empty):

  predicate: function(*args){ return arg1 == arg2; } 
  priority: 0|1|... (array index; max of callback array length, min of 0)

Subscriber object (returned on Mediator.Subscribe):

  id, // guid
  fn, // function
  options, // options
  context, // context for fn to be called within
  channel, // provides a pointer back to its channel
  Update(options){ ...} // function that accepts { fn, options, context }


var mediator = new Mediator();

// Alert data when the "message" channel is published to
// Subscribe returns a "Subscriber" object
mediator.Subscribe("message", function(data){ alert(data); });
mediator.Publish("message", "Hello, world");

// Alert the "message" property of the object called when the predicate function returns true (The "From" property is equal to "Jack")
var predicate = function(data){ return data.From === "Jack" };
mediator.Subscribe("channel", function(data){ alert(data.Message); }, { predicate: predicate });
mediator.Publish("channel", { Message: "Hey!", From: "Jack" }); //alerts
mediator.Publish("channel", { Message: "Hey!", From: "Audrey" }); //doesn't alert

You can remove events by passing in a type or predicate, and optionally the function to remove. Predicates and functions must be named- not anonymous- to be able to be removed.

// removes all methods bound to a channel 

// unregisters *only* MethodFN, a named function, from "channel" 
mediator.Remove("channel", MethodFN);

You can call the registered functions with the Publish method, which accepts an args array:

mediator.Publish("channel", "argument", "another one", { etc: true }); // args go on forever

As of version 0.4, you can namespace your subscribing / removing / publishing as such:

mediator.Subscribe("application:chat:receiveMessage", function(data){ ... });

// will recursively call anything in the appllication:chat:receiveMessage namespace 
mediator.Publish("application:chat:receiveMessage", "Jack Lawson", "Hey");

// will recursively remove everything under application:chat

You can update Subscriber priority:

var sub = mediator.Subscribe("application:chat", function(data){ ... });
var sub2 = mediator.Subscribe("application:chat", function(data){ ... });

// have sub2 executed first
mediator.GetChannel("application:chat").SetPriority(sub2.id, 0);

You can update Subscriber callback, context, and/or options:

sub.Update({ fn: ..., context: { }, options: { ... });

You can stop the chain of execution by calling channel.StopPropagation():

// for example, let's not post the message if the from and to are the same
mediator.Subscribe("application:chat", function(data, channel){
  //something with data
}, options: {
  predicate: function(data){ return data.From == data.To },
  priority: 0

Changes from Last Version

Version 0.6.1

  • Cleaned up some typos
  • Save pointer to channel within subscription
  • Save namespace in channel
  • Fixed bugs in SetPriority

Version 0.6.0

  • Added ability to stop the chain of calls using c.stopPropagation()

Version 0.5.0

  • Added ability to access and update subscribing objects
    • Subscribers now have a unique ID and can be queried by id or by function
    • Subscriber class can have its function, context, or options updated
    • Subscriber priority can be updated post-addition
    • Channels made public by Mediator.GetChannel
    • Added a little performance test

Version 0.4.2

  • Added Priority to calls, allowing you to set callback index

Version 0.4.1

  • Minor internal updates

Version 0.4.0

  • Predicate no longer acts as a channel and is moved to an options object at the end of the subcription call.
  • Signatures changed; context moved to the end of subscriptions
  • Namespacing for subscription binding


This class and its accompanying README and are MIT licensed.

Also uses unmodified Jasmine for testing (MIT licensed as well.)

In Closing

Have fun, and please submit suggestions and improvements! You can leave any issues here, or contact me on Twitter (@ajacksified).