verify_mode maybe be modified by the attacker
jmp0x7c00 opened this issue · 1 comments
jmp0x7c00 commented
TaLos is an awesome project , I like it, but here a security issue , and could you help me confirm it?
there is an ecall, that can be used to modify verify_mode
ecall_SSL_set_verify(SSL *s, int mode, void* cb)
int (*callback)(int, X509_STORE_CTX*);
ssl_set_verify_cb_address = (int (*)(int, X509_STORE_CTX*))cb;
callback = ssl_set_verify_fake_cb;
callback = (int (*)(int, X509_STORE_CTX*))cb;
SSL* out_s = s;
hashmap* m = get_ssl_hardening();
SSL* in_s = (SSL*) hashmapGet(m, (unsigned long)out_s);
SSL_copy_fields_to_in_struct(in_s, out_s);
SSL_set_verify(in_s, mode, callback);
SSL_copy_fields_to_out_struct(in_s, out_s);
SSL_set_verify(s, mode, callback);
SSL_set_verify(SSL *s, int mode,
int (*callback)(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx))
s->verify_mode = mode; // verify_mode can be set to parameter mode by an ECALL
if (callback != NULL)
s->verify_callback = callback;
I think that verify_mode
is an important flag, because
* 0 don't care about verify failure.
* 1 fail if verify fails
int verify_mode;
So the attack can modify verify_mode
to 0
by invoking ecall_SSL_set_verify(s,0,b)
to bypass the verification?
plaublin commented
Hi. Thank you for raising this issue. There might be security issues for running TaLoS in production, as it is only a research prototype and we needed to be able to easily inspect and modify protected data for running our various experiments.