
snippets of javascript what I wrote

Primary LanguageJavaScript


some wee little javascript experiments

algorithms: practice implementing sorting algorithms in javascript

commentParser: an attempt to obtain just the content of a Dreamwidth comment thread - WIP

imageReplacer: a script to find photos that reference "election" or "trump" and replaces them with pictures of corgi puppies.

lyricsCheater: a bit of javascript that will try out an array of common words in a lyrics quiz on Sporcle.com, so you can move on to things that will actually help identify the song.

lyricsMaker: a convenience script for making the lyrics quizzes on Sporcle.com, ala takes a text file (which contains lyrics to a song) and converts it into a csv where the lyrics are in column 2. takes arguments of the filename for the txt, and optional arguments for a hex code for the 3rd column and a filename for the output csv.