Missing videocore pods?
SirSamShaw opened this issue · 6 comments
Please help.. I ran the pod install and everything installed perfectly all dependencies. Opened the project and went to run on my device and I am getting errors.. ran multiple pod installs with success, but not sure why I am missing these files. I went to videoCore directly and copied the mixers folder in.. still no dice..
sorry,I'm Chinese,and my English is so poor.When you send me this mail, my local time is half past one in the evening.you can check the header Build Setting ->Header Search Paths
ok I checked, but nothing is working. I can not run the sample.
@SirSamShaw use cocoapods 0.39.0
@ltebean I use cocoapods 1.0.0 It's working
I just changed the push lib to LFLiveKit, so there won't be problems with VideoCore now