
Sort by date of next episode

Scumpeter opened this issue ยท 10 comments

When sorting by unseen, the shows should show the shows sorted by the date of the next unseen episode (the same value that is used for the "next episode" field in the overview).
Instead the shows are seemingly in random order:

Tested with 7.11.2 from Fdroid on Android 12.

Sort by unseen episodes == sort by amount of unseen episodes. It's meant to help you decide which shows have enough episodes "available" for a binge night ๐Ÿ™ˆ I get the confusion, though, I even seem to have described the old behavior of the feature in readme, will fix that.

Nice list by the way ๐Ÿ‘

Ah. Thanks for the clarification. Should I create a feature request for an additional sorting order? It would really help me with watching Stargate in airing order ๐Ÿ˜‰

Ah you mean due to cross-overs?

For example. Also to understand the possible references in one show to another show.

Yeah, I'll have to restructure the database for that, but I'll look into it.

I suppose this is sorted (see what I did there? ๐Ÿ˜‰) in @warren-bank's build, right?

actually.. I didn't do what @Scumpeter has requested..

when a user has several unseen episodes.. there's a first (oldest) and last (newest).

this request (I believe) is to sort all shows by the date (ascending) of each first (oldest) episode.

what I implemented in my fork was an option to sort all shows by the date (descending) of each last (newest) episode.

to be perfectly honest, I don't see any value in sorting by oldest.
the reason that I added the option to sort by newest is to see which shows have most recently aired new (unseen) episodes.

Whoops, I knew I had to double-check this before posting something about it ๐Ÿ˜›

no worries..

strictly speaking, adding another sort option would be trivially easy; now that there's a dialog that presents options.. adding one more option wouldn't be a problem. On the one-hand, we want to avoid visual clutter. On the other hand, is this a feature that could be useful? If so.. I could certainly add it.

I personally didn't really see the use, but I guess @Scumpeter could certainly still make their case again.