
How does one get rid of thorium Win-Updater

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hey I love thorium and all but I uninstalled thorium and reinstalled using scoop instead portable mode and wanted to know how to get rid of the thorium win updater powershell checker.

Ah, Scoop is great!

If you've already gotten rid of WinUpdater, you can just open the Task Scheduler from the Start menu and remove the task Thorium WinUpdater ([username]).

Quite a quick response, good job man I actually just checked the repo again and you have a scheduled task remover script as well so I used that lol, thanks!

Yeah, as you can see on the screenshot, normally you can just uncheck the option in WinUpdater itself (which simply runs that remover script), but I figured you might have removed Thorium/WinUpdater already then.

I've been dabbling with my own Scoop bucket, too: Scoop's a bit rough around the edges, but it works great.