
Any hope for Hyprland support?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

How difficult you think it would be to implement?

I’d have to have a look at Hyprland IPC protocol tbh. Do you know how it compares to Sway/i3’s?

Unfortunately I have no idea... I saw a project somewhere on that basically revolved around converting some piece of software from sway to hyprland, and there was a lot of talk about the IPCs but can't remember what it was... I'll try to take a look if I can find it (or anything else that might be useful.

This is such a cool idea btw, I too fell in love with material-shell when I first tried it a couple of years ago, it just makes so much sense and fits perfectly to my workflow.


I love the idea of spatial-shell, great work!
Regarding Hyprland IPC: I found an interesting wrapper written in GO for Hyprland's IPC that might contribute to this topic of getting spatial-shell to work with Hyprland:
There are also wrappers for Hyprland's IPC in Dart and Rust, but I'm not sure how complete they are, this one seemed a bit more comprehensive to me.

Maybe this can help serve as a nice overview to compare with Sway's IPC. From my limited understanding they shouldn't be drastically different.