Compilation Error for POLAR 3D PRINTER in Marlin-ESP3DLib-V3-bugfix-2.1.x
Gokuh1980 opened this issue · 23 comments
Describe the bug
When i setup Vscode to compile for FYSETC E4 a polar 3d Printer it aborts due to several warnings
I Have a NODEMCU ESP32S but they have the same pins so i used FYSETC E4
Marlin Firmware:
- Marlin Branch/Version:[e.g bugfix-2.1.x]
- Kinetamits changed to POLAR
ESP3DLib :
- ESP3DLib Branch/Version: 3
- Wifi mode:AP
- Flash size: 16M
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What Marlin repository are you using ? And what branch ?
Hi! thanks for your response!
the issue is not linked to ESP3DLib
pls check if you have same issue with latest Marlin Buxfix 2.1 without enabling wifi because upstream is broken
@Gokuh1980 any update ? can you compile with Upstream Marlin ?
Hi! Yes, i tried to compile the bugfix from marlin today and it fails with similar errors.
does latest release having same issue ?
as bugfix is dev it is usally not stable
Yes, i've tried it and it compiles ok, but that release doesn't have the polar geometry i'm trying to build.
Algo i really really like your work with esp3d and wifi.
So i think i will wait a little longer.
(I'm no so good at coding)
ho then I suggest you to push issue in Marlin and follow resolution - then update here when fixed - I will then update the fork
Yes of course!!! Thank you!!! Keep up with your project, its fantastic!
Thank you - sorry I have no bandwidth to follow all Marlin update so your help is really appreciate
Hi Luc! from the upstream marlin bugfix branch they told me the problem was a line missing in features.ini
now that branch compiles ok with esp32 and polar kinematics
but when i add that line in your branch i still have errors compiling
Any ideas?
no but my fork was not up to date - I have just did a rebase from bugfix now- so you can give a try
Be noted the fix you mention is not present yet so you need to apply it manually
@Gokuh1980 any update ?
hi Luc! i'm trying to compile in another computer at home with ubuntu but keep getting this error...
strange is that i don't have any display configured...
strange is that i don't have any display configured...
Really ?
But your configuration.h has :
#define MKS_MINI_12864_V3
and I just did a simple windiff with my repo
You better clean up your config files
Hi Luc! it compiles ok now. THANK YOU for your support.
Now i´m facing another problem when i upload to the processor, maybe you can help me, originally i was describing my mainboard as FYSETC_E4 becouse it´s very similar to mi real board ESP32-Vroom-32 (i will connect it to a ramps 1.4)
but, FYSETC_E4 it´s described with a flash of 16MB and my board has 4Mb, do you have any ideas?
sorry Idea for what? I do not understand the question
i was having an error on upload because fysetc_e4 as a flash of 16mb and my board has 4mb, so it results in a bootloop. thats why i wanted to ask you if you have some testing compiling for a 4mb esp32.
now i have changed esp32.csv partition file and it boots:
now i have to resolve the errors in the boot log.
you just need to edit the env and adjust board size and use proper partition like min-spiffs one
I close issue ticket now because initial issue is solved
your latest issue is that you use an env that is not for your board, you better create new one for your board in esp32.ini and push it to Marlin
it is not linked to esp3dlib at this stage