
Complex plotter, written in rust, that uses the macroquad library to visualize functions of complex numbers.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Complex function plotter

Plot and experiment with functions of complex numbers!

Usage :

  • First install cargo (mentioned in requirements below).
  • In the terminal while in the Complex_Plotter directory, either run :
    cargo run --release
  • Or create an application bundle which you'll find in target/release/bundle/osx by running :
    cargo bundle --release
  • Change functions to graph in the code at line 30

Controls :

  • - : Zoom out
  • + : Zoom in
  • ← : Scroll left
  • → : Scroll right
  • ↑ : Scroll up
  • ↓ : Scroll down


The following installs are required for this app to work.

  • Cargo

To install this :

  • Linux or MacOS systems : run
    curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
  • Windows : Download and run rustup-init.exe