
Application templates

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Templates for applications that follow the Kledex patterns.

I have decided to create a separate repository instead of having templates inside the Kledex repository: DDD-CQRS-ES Starter Kit.

@lucabriguglia amazing project mate, it really helps instead of writing it from the scratch, would you show an example for RabbitMQ inside DDD-CQRS-ES Starter Kit as well?

Thanks @abomadi and yes I can add an example for RabbitMQ. The first version will be very basic but I'm going to add more stuff over time.

@lucabriguglia Amazing, i just wanted to see how rmq is consuming events as i was looking at it's provider but couldn't find any subscribe / consume methods over there

It's pretty standard, this is a tutorial for queues:

First version of the starter kit released and available here.

Amazing work, mate! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Thanks @kwentinn! As always suggestions and feature requests are more than welcome :-)