
NetworkError: failed to connect to WebSocket: Invalid status code

Closed this issue · 3 comments

System: Intel macOS 12.6.5

Chrome downloaded via:

PUPPETEER_PRODUCT=chrome deno run -A --unstable

Simple script:

import puppeteer from 'https:/';
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
  defaultViewport: { width: 1200, height: 675 },

Full error dump:

ErrorEvent {
  bubbles: false,
  cancelable: false,
  composed: false,
  currentTarget: null,
  defaultPrevented: false,
  eventPhase: 0,
  srcElement: null,
  target: WebSocket {
  url: "ws://",
  readyState: 3,
  extensions: "",
  protocol: "",
  binaryType: "blob",
  bufferedAmount: 0
  returnValue: true,
  timeStamp: 1683480676254,
  type: "error",
  message: "NetworkError: failed to connect to WebSocket: Invalid status code",
  filename: "",
  lineno: 0,
  colno: 0,
  error: DOMException: failed to connect to WebSocket: Invalid status code

Got the same issue, the only thing I know for now is that there is some breaking changes in Deno 1.33. as I downgraded to 1.32.5, there was no problem, you can try it

Awesome! That seems to work, thanks! I guess I'll leave this open until it's officially resolved in Deno.

Actually, upgraded to 1.33.2 and seems to be working now. Closing.