
Sensitive data are logged by default

bdusauso opened this issue · 1 comments

When a connection occurs, Lapin outputs all fields in its configuration, even username and password.
Sensitive data like these should be obfuscated

[error] Connection error: unknown_host for [port: 5672, uri: :pop, module: EventStore.MessagePublisher, 
channels: [
  exchange_type: :topic, 
  exchange: "events", 
  queue: "event_store", 
  queue_durable: true, 
  routing_key: "*", 
  publisher_persistent: true, 
  consumer_ack: true, 
  role: :producer
  exchange_type: :topic, 
  exchange: "events", 
  queue: "event_store", 
  queue_durable: true, 
  routing_key: "*", 
  publisher_persistent: true, 
  consumer_ack: true, 
  role: :consumer]
password: "G4UyiJx6", 
username: "8014da67eeb9b027c7a79f473c2a5098", 
virtual_host: "/", 
host: 'mq'
], backing off for 1000

(Note: output is idented for readability)

Just released 0.3.3, only logs the connection module and error. Thanks.