
A simple webdav library for browsers and node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple webdav library for browsers and node.js

Webdav.js is a Object-Oriented and Promise based client library for webdav servers. It allows inspecting, downloading and uploading files.

Access restrictions for browsers (CORS)

In order for cross origin access to a webdav server to work, you need to set CORS appropriate headers. Otherwise this library won't work.


import * as webdav from './webdav.js';

const url = 'http://localhost:8080/dav';
const client = new webdav.Client(url, {
  username: 'username',
  password: 'password',

(async function run() {
  const root = await client.getRoot();

  const files = {
    'lyrics.txt': 'Oh, think twice',
    'youandme.txt': 'Another file in paradise',

  const demofolder = await root.mkdir('demo');
  for (const [file, content] of Object.entries(files)) {
    await demofolder.upload(file, content);

  const filelist = await demofolder.list();

  const downloads = await Promise.all(filelist.map(async file=>await file.download()));
  for (const file of downloads) {
    console.log('Downloaded', file);


class Client:

constructor(server, options)

Creates a new client instance.

async list(dir): Promise<Array>

List all entities in the given dir.

async get(href): Promise

Downloads a file given a href.

async getProgress(href): Promise<AyncIterable>

Downloads a file given a href. Reports Progress.

async put(href, data): Promise

Uploads some data to a file at the given a href.

async putProgress(href, data): Promise<AyncIterable>

Uploads some data to a file at the given a href. Reports Progress.

async move(href, loc): Promise

Moves the entity at href to a new location loc.

async delete(href): Promise

Moves the entity at href.

async mkdir(href): Promise

Creates a directory at a given href.

async inspect(href): Promise

Inspects a given href.

async getRoot(): Promise<Array>

Inspects the servers root directory. This is a convenient entrypoint for the Object-Oriented model.

addTypeParser(type, parser(Response))

Add a parsing function for a given mime-type. The parsing function should accept a Response instance and return the decoded data.

class Entity

href: String

The entities href

displayname: String

The entities displayname

resourcetype: String

The entities resourcetype

creationdate: Date

The entities creation date

lastmodified: Date

The entities last modification date

etag: String

The entities etag

async getParent(): Promise

Gets the entities parent directory

async move(loc): Promise

Moves the entity to a new location

async rename(name): Promise

Renames the entity

async delete(): Promise

Deletes the entity

async reload(): Promise

Reloads the entity by returning a new, updated one

class Directory extends Entity:

name: String

The directories name

async list(): Promise<Array>

Lists all files in this directory

async upload(name, data): Promise

Uploads a new file to this directory

async uploadWithProgress(name, data): Promise<AyncIterable>

Uploads a new file to this directory. Reports Progress.

async mkdir(name): Promise

Created a new directory inside this one

class File extends Entity:

name: String

The files name

contentlength: Number

The files length (in Bytes)

contenttype: String

The files mime-type

async download(): Promise

Downloads the file contents and decodes it using a TypeParser (see Client:addTypeParser).

async downloadWithProgress(): Promise<AyncIterable>

Downloads the file contents. Reports Progress.

async update(data): Promise

Updates the files contents.

async updateWithProgress(data): Promise<AyncIterable>

Updates the files contents. Reports Progress


upload: Number 0<x<1,

The transactions upload progress in percent

download: Number 0<x<1,

The transactions download progress in percent

done: Boolean,

Flag if the transaction is done

error: Error | undefined,

If an error occured, this field will be set to that error

request: XMLHttpRequest,

The underlying XMLHttpRequest instance