
Free and Open Source Geospatial Tools for Conservation Planning Workshop - FOSS4G 2018 - Dar Es Salaam

Free and Open Source Geospatial Tools for Conservation Planning Workshop - FOSS4G 2018 - Dar Es Salaam

REST APIs and Web Gis Application Development

Step by step documentation for developing a small web application that allows users to show, query and interact with geospatial data.

Demo: https://lucageo.github.io/foss4g2web/

GeoServer setup for enabling Jsonp

Go to:

cd /usr/local/lib/geoserver-2.10.4/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF

Open with VIM the following file:

sudo vim web.xml

Uncomment the following lines:


Save by pressing 'ESC' and write:

  • Reboot the machine

GeoServer styles

Set up two styles:

  1. protected_areas - xml (Simple green polygon)

  2. protected_areas_selected - xml (White Line)

Connect Postgis with GeoServer

Make sure you have a Postgis extension on your DB, if you don't, please run the following commands using pgAdmin:

CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;
  • Create a new workspace called 'foss4g'

  • Create a new Store (PostGIS Database type) called 'wdpa_db' with the folloing parameters:

dbtype: postgis
host: localhost
port: 5432
database: foss4g
schema: public
user: user
password: user

and publish the protected_areas layer.

  • Layer Name: protected_areas

  • Layer Title: protected_areas

  • Native SRS: 4326

  • Declared SRS: 4326

  • Apply the style protected_areas

And Save.

Download the REST services APIs repository

Plase download all the files, place them in a local folder and follow the instructions here

Download the application repository

Please download the repository, place it in a local folder here

Copy the following script and paste it in index.html

Create index.html file importing all the libraries and creating a the div "map"

   <meta charset="utf-8" />

		<!-- include leaflet css and javascript -->
		    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/leaflet.css" />
		    <script src="libraries/leaflet-src.js"></script>
		    <script src="libraries/proj4.js"></script>
		    <script src="libraries/proj4leaflet.js"></script>
		    <script src="libraries/jquery.js"></script>
		    <script src="libraries/highcharts.js"></script>
		    <script src="libraries/highcharts_more.js"></script>
		<!-- include our own css -->
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/custom.css" />
		<!-- we include the javascript at the bottom, see below -->

		<div id= 'banner'>
      <center><h1>Free and Open Source Geospatial Tools for Conservation Planning Workshop</h1></center>
	    <center><p> Example of a web application using the data produced, integrating various technologies including Postgres, GeoServer, LeafletJs and custom Javascripts.</p></center>
    <div id="map"></div>
		<!-- include our own javascript -->
		<script src="wdpa_stats.js"></script>

Copy the following script and paste it in css/custom.css

#map {min-height: 800px;height: 100%;padding: 10px;}

#banner{background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom right,#ffffff,#ffffff);padding: 10px;color: #4a4f51;box-shadow: 0px -15px 5px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), 0 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07);position: relative;z-index: 9999;}

#banner > img{width: 186px;float: right;margin-top: -45px;margin-right: 14px;}

#wdpa_plot_1995{position: relative;z-index: 2147483647;background: #ffffffe8;display: none;padding: 15px;margin-top: -13px;border-top: 1px solid #e0e0e0;box-shadow: 8px -5px 7px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03), 0px 2px 0px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);}

#wdpa_plot_2015{position: relative;z-index: 2147483647;background: #ffffffe8;display: none;padding: 15px;margin-top: -13px;border-top: 1px solid #e0e0e0;box-shadow: 8px -5px 7px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03), 0px 2px 0px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);}

#wdpa_plot_1995_title{background-color: #ffffff;margin-top: -17px;color: #261a1a;font-family: unset;font-size: 14px;font-weight: 100!important;display: none;margin-top: -19px;border-bottom: 1px solid #ebebeb;border-top: 1px solid #ebebeb;}

#wdpa_plot_2015_title{background-color: #ffffff;margin-top: -17px;color: #261a1a;font-family: unset;font-size: 14px;font-weight: 100!important;display: none;margin-top: -19px;border-bottom: 1px solid #ebebeb;border-top: 1px solid #ebebeb;}

.row {margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: -300px; position: relative; z-index: 999999;}

.row1 {margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: -320px; position: relative; z-index: 9999; z-index: 99999999; margin-bottom: 5px;}

.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper, .leaflet-popup-tip {background: #fffffff2!important; color: #516440!important;}

.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper {border-radius: 0px!important;}

Copy the following scripts and paste them in wdpa_stats.js

  • Initialise map
//Initialise map
var pixel_ratio = parseInt(window.devicePixelRatio) || 1;

var max_zoom = 16;
var tile_size = 512;

var map = L.map('map', {
}).setView([-7, 38], 6);
  • Add the 2 basemaps
// Baselayers
var Esri_WorldImagery = L.tileLayer('https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}', {
 attribution: 'October 2017 version of the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA)'
var light  = L.tileLayer('https://cartodb-basemaps-{s}.global.ssl.fastly.net/light_nolabels/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
  subdomains: 'abcd',
  opacity: 1,
  attribution: 'October 2017 version of the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA)',
  maxZoom: 19
var topLayer =  L.tileLayer('https://cartodb-basemaps-{s}.global.ssl.fastly.net/light_only_labels/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
  subdomains: 'abcd',
  opacity: 1,
  maxZoom: 19
  • Declare the available layers
//Available Layers
var baseMaps = {"White" : light, "Esri_WorldImagery":Esri_WorldImagery};
var overlayMaps = {};
  • Add Layer Control
//Add Layer Control
layerControl = L.control.layers(baseMaps, overlayMaps, null,  {position: 'bottomleft'}).addTo(map);

Add the Protected Areas layer to wdpa_stats.js

  • Layer connection to geoserver WMS using tileLayer library
// wdpa layer
var url = 'http://localhost:8082/geoserver/foss4g/wms';
var wdpa=L.tileLayer.wms(url, {
		layers: 'foss4g:protected_areas',
		transparent: true,
		format: 'image/png',
		zIndex: 33

  • Substitute the 'Available Layers' section with the following script, including now the protected areas layer

var baseMaps = {"White" : light, "Esri_WorldImagery":Esri_WorldImagery};
var overlayMaps = {'Protected Areas': wdpa};

Add 'on-click' interaction with the layer to wdpa_stats.js

// on click function
map.on('click', function(e) {
	 if (map.hasLayer(wdpa)) {
		var latlng= e.latlng;
		var url = getFeatureInfoUrl(
					'info_format': 'text/javascript',  
					'propertyName': ' name,wdpaid',
					'query_layers': 'foss4g:protected_areas ',
				 jsonp: false,
				 url: url,
				 dataType: 'jsonp',
				 jsonpCallback: 'getJson',
				 success: handleJson_featureRequest
			function handleJson_featureRequest(data)
			if (typeof data.features[0]!=='undefined')
				var prop=data.features[0].properties;
				var filter="wdpaid='"+prop['wdpaid']+"'";
				else {}
			 else {}

Add Get Feature Info function to wdpa_stats.js

// get feature info function
function getFeatureInfoUrl(map, layer, latlng, params) {

    var point = map.latLngToContainerPoint(latlng, map.getZoom()),
	size = map.getSize(),
	bounds = map.getBounds(),
	sw = bounds.getSouthWest(),
	ne = bounds.getNorthEast();

    var defaultParams = {
	request: 'GetFeatureInfo',
	service: 'WMS',
	srs: 'EPSG:4326',
	styles: '',
	version: layer._wmsVersion,
	format: layer.options.format,
	bbox: bounds.toBBoxString(),
	height: size.y,
	width: size.x,
	layers: layer.options.layers,
	info_format: 'text/javascript'

    params = L.Util.extend(defaultParams, params || {});
    params[params.version === '1.3.0' ? 'i' : 'x'] = point.x;
    params[params.version === '1.3.0' ? 'j' : 'y'] = point.y;
    return layer._url + L.Util.getParamString(params, layer._url, true);

Add protected areas selection layer to wdpa_stats.js and set a CQL filter

var url = 'http://localhost:8082/geoserver/foss4g/wms';
var wdpa_hi=L.tileLayer.wms(url, {
	layers: 'foss4g:protected_areas',
	transparent: true,
	format: 'image/png',
	styles: 'protected_areas_selected',
	zIndex: 44
wdpa_hi.setParams({CQL_FILTER:"wdpaid LIKE ''"});

Add popup and charts configuration to wdpa_stats.js

// charts function
function hi_highcharts_wdpa(info,latlng){
 var name=info['name'];
 var wdpaid=info['wdpaid'];
 var popupContent = '<center><h5>'+name+'</h5></center>';
 var popup = L.popup()
	.setLatLng([latlng.lat, latlng.lng])
	$( "#wdpa_plot_1995" ).show();
	$( "#wdpa_plot_2015" ).show();
	$( "#wdpa_plot_1995_title" ).show();
	$( "#wdpa_plot_2015_title" ).show();

// Land Cover Change (1995-2015)
var url_wdpaid_lcc = 'http://localhost:8888/rest.py?type=fun&schema=public&obj=get_pa_lc_1995_2015&params=(wdpaid:'+wdpaid+')';
	      url: url_wdpaid_lcc,
	      dataType: 'json',
	      success: function(d) {
  		             var _1995_man;
  		             var _1995_nat;
  		             var _1995_wat;
  		             var _1995_cul;
                             var _2015_man;
  		             var _2015_nat;
  		             var _2015_wat;
  		             var _2015_cul;
                             var name;

                   $(d).each(function(i, data) {
                    _1995_man = parseFloat(data._1995_man);
                    _1995_nat = parseFloat(data._1995_nat);
                    _1995_wat = parseFloat(data._1995_wat);
                    _1995_cul = parseFloat(data._1995_cul);
                    _2015_man = parseFloat(data._2015_man);
                    _2015_nat = parseFloat(data._2015_nat);
                    _2015_wat = parseFloat(data._2015_wat);
                    _2015_cul = parseFloat(data._2015_cul);
                    name = data.name;
    // Land Cover 1995
    	 chart: {type:'bar', height: 300,
    	 backgroundColor:'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)',
    	 legend: {enabled: false}
    	 title: {text: null},
    	 subtitle: {text: null},
    	 credits: {
	 enabled: false,
	 text: '© DOPA Services',
	 href: 'http://dopa.jrc.ec.europa.eu/en/services'
	xAxis: {
	categories: [name]
    	 yAxis: {
	 title: { text: null },
	 labels: {overflow: 'justify'}
		name: 'Cultivated / managed land',
		color: '#d07a41',
		data: [_1995_cul]
		name: 'Mosaic natural / managed land',
		color: '#cca533',
		data: [_1995_man]
		name: 'Natural / semi-natural land',
		color: '#759a5d',
		data: [_1995_nat]
		name: 'Water / snow and ice',
		color: '#5976ab',
		data: [_1995_wat]

     // Land Cover 2015
    	 chart: {type:'bar', height: 300,
    	 backgroundColor:'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)',
    	 legend: {enabled: false}
    	 title: {text: null},
    	 subtitle: {text: null},
    	 credits: {
	 enabled: false,
	 text: '© DOPA Services',
	 href: 'http://dopa.jrc.ec.europa.eu/en/services'
	xAxis: {
	categories: [name]
    	 yAxis: {
	 title: { text: null },
	 labels: {overflow: 'justify'}
	name: 'Cultivated / managed land',
	color: '#d07a41',
	data: [_2015_cul]
	name: 'Mosaic natural / managed land',
	color: '#cca533',
	data: [_2015_man]
	name: 'Natural / semi-natural land',
	color: '#759a5d',
	data: [_2015_nat]
	name: 'Water / snow and ice',
	color: '#5976ab',
	data: [_2015_wat]



Add the hide charts function to hide charts when the popup is closed to wdpa_stats.js

  • Add these 4 lines to the bottom of the script
map.on('popupclose', function (){ 
	$( "#wdpa_plot_1995" ).hide();
	$( "#wdpa_plot_2015" ).hide();

Add two boostrap responsive divs to index.html

  • In order to render the charts 2 divs have to be added next to the div 'map'
    <div class="row1">
    <center><div id="wdpa_plot_1995_title" class="col-sm-6"> Land Cover 1995</div></center>
    <center><div id="wdpa_plot_2015_title" class="col-sm-6">Land Cover 2015</div></center>
    <div class="row">
    <center><div id="wdpa_plot_1995" class="col-sm-6"></div></center>
    <center><div id="wdpa_plot_2015" class="col-sm-6"></div></center>