
This project is cleaning up the HTML code and updating the CSS code for a website to make the code easier to read and follow. I acheived this by adding proper HTML semantics throughout the HTML code and then updated the CSS file to reflect the changes. The purpose of this project was not to change the site's look, but simply make the code easier to follow and decipher.

I changed out some of the dev tags in the HTML for header, section, aside, and footer tags. After changing my first dev tag to a header tag, I removed the class="header" function from that tag and changed the call for action in the CSS file from ".header" to "header". This allowed the website to function properly without changing any design or functionality. ..repeated this same process when changing the main, aside and footer tags.

semantics example css semantics update example

"search engine optimzation" button in the nav bar was not navigating the page to the proper location. Fixed this by adding an "id" inside the

tag that included class="search-engine-optimization".

The site functions and looks as needed, but now with more beautiful, clean and accesible code.


I was able to use this semantics guide to help me figure out the proper tags.

Project Website

To access the website in all its glory, follow this link!