
Cron Job doesn't appear to be backing up correctly

jimgrove1985 opened this issue · 4 comments

ISSUE TYPE: Bug Report / Question (as this may be user error on my part)


  • Zmbackup Version: 1.2.6
  • Zimbra Version: 8.8.15_GA_4018.FOSS
  • Linux Distribution & Version: CentOS 7.9.2009 Core

If I manually run the "zmbackup -f" command as the user: zimbra, a complete backup appears to be created of all accounts on my mail server and it produces a full backup of around 3.4GB.
However, leaving the /etc/cron.d/zmbackup file to do it's thing does not produce the same results. For example, if I delete all existing backups using the zmbackup -d command and then leave the backup to run via cron overnight, it only appears to create a full backup of 45MB

could you show me your cron job

Strangely it looks like it may be working fine now.

I have just checked the backups and it generated a new full backup on Sunday, which is as to be expected based on the cron job settings and this was the expected full size.

I shall keep an eye on things for now and report back if I notice anything unexpected

OK, so I've left it running for a few days now and something definitely does not seem correct.

Here is the output of zmbackup -l ran under the zimbra user:

| Session Name | Start | Ending | Size | Description |
| alias-20210516003002 | 05/16/2021 | 05/16/2021 | 8.0K | Alias |
| full-20210516013001 | 05/16/2021 | 05/16/2021 | 3.4G | Full Account |
| alias-20210518003001 | 05/18/2021 | 05/18/2021 | 8.0K | Alias |
| inc-20210518013001 | 05/18/2021 | 05/18/2021 | 3.0M | Incremental Account |
| inc-20210519013001 | 05/19/2021 | 05/19/2021 | 8.0K | Incremental Account |
| alias-20210520003001 | 05/20/2021 | 05/20/2021 | 8.0K | Alias |
| inc-20210520013001 | 05/20/2021 | 05/20/2021 | 2.8M | Incremental Account |
| inc-20210521013001 | 05/21/2021 | 05/21/2021 | 8.0K | Incremental Account |
| alias-20210522003001 | 05/22/2021 | 05/22/2021 | 8.0K | Alias |
| inc-20210522013001 | 05/22/2021 | 05/22/2021 | 4.6M | Incremental Account |
| full-20210523013001 | 05/23/2021 | 05/23/2021 | 516M | Full Account |

I am using the standard cron job file that is created when installing zmbackup.
It looks like this:

                         ZMBACKUP CRON FILE                              

This file is used to manage the time and day each backup activity will be
executed. Please modify this file rather than create a new one.
Default values for each activity:
Full Backup: Every Sunday at 1:30 AM
Incremental: From Monday to Saturday at 1:30 AM
Alias: Every day at 0:30 AM
Distribution List: Every day at 1 AM
Backup Rotation: Every day at Midnight

                         ZMBACKUP VARIABLES                              

30 1 * * 0 zimbra zmbackup -f
0 1 * * * zimbra zmbackup -f -dl
30 0 * * * zimbra zmbackup -f -al
30 1 * * 1-6 zimbra zmbackup -i
0 0 * * * zimbra zmbackup -hp

                      ZMBACKUP - OTHER OPTIONS                           

Mailbox Backup: Every day at 1:30AM
LDAP Backup: Every day at 1:00AM

30 1 * * * zimbra zmbackup -f -ldp
30 1 * * 0 zimbra zmbackup -f -m

change you see inside of the full-20210516013001
run ls -l -h to see which emails were backup
