Changing HTTP status code rewrite - is that possible using labels?
Kenya-West opened this issue · 1 comments
I try to implement such logic to rewrite HTTP 307 response from some backend to a HTTP 200 one.
Equivalent in Caddyfile would be:
reverse_proxy http://service:80 {
handle_response {
@redirect307 {
expression `{http.response.status} == 307`
handle @redirect307 {
response_template = "{{.RespHeader.Get \"Location\"}}"
respond `{"redirect_url": "{{.RespHeader.Get \"Location\"}}"}` 200 {
header Content-Type application/json
How could I implement this code block in Caddy Docker Proxy?
Approach №1
Something like:
version: "3.8"
container_name: ${CONTAINERNAME}
hostname: ${HOSTNAME}
- .env
restart: unless-stopped
- caddy
- "${PORT}:80"
caddy: "${DOMAIN}"
# some are skipped
caddy.2_reverse_proxy: "{{upstreams ${DASHBOARD_PORT}}"
caddy.3_handle_path: "/${DASHBOARD_PATH}"
caddy.3_handle_path.reverse_proxy: "{{upstreams ${DASHBOARD_PORT}}}"
caddy.3_handle_path.reverse_proxy.handle_response: "handle_307"
caddy.3_handle_response.handle_307: "response_template"
caddy.3_handle_response.response_template: |
respond `{\"redirect_url\": \"{{.RespHeader.Get \"Location\"}}\"}` 200 {
header Content-Type application/json
external: true
But Caddy always fails to parse such multiline config regardless of is there backslashes or not, is there either |
or >
before multiline value or not... There are always errors like caddy | [2024-06-07 19:00:25] ERROR: Failed to get Container Caddyfile [logger=docker-proxy] template: :1: unexpected "\\\\" in operand
or caddy | [2024-06-07 18:58:28] ERROR: Failed to get Container Caddyfile [logger=docker-proxy] template: :1: unexpected "\}" in operand
. It's the parsing problem.
Approach №2
(handle_redirects) {
@redirect307 {
status 307
handle_response @redirect307 {
respond `{"redirect_url": "{{.RespHeader.Get \"Location\"}}"}` 200 {
header Content-Type application/json
using it:
# ...
caddy: "${DOMAIN}"
# ...
caddy.2_reverse_proxy: "{{upstreams ${DASHBOARD_PORT}}"
caddy.3_handle_path: "/${DASHBOARD_PATH}"
caddy.3_handle_path.reverse_proxy: "{{upstreams ${DASHBOARD_PORT}}}"
caddy.4_handle_response: "/${DASHBOARD_PATH}/*"
caddy.4_handle_response.status: "307"
caddy.4_handle_response.handle_307: "handle_redirects"
# ...
yet it produces the same errors as above.
How could I put multiline JSON block in YAML label value?
Where are you getting response_template
from? That doesn't exist in Caddy.
Everything that's possible with a Caddyfile is possible with Docker labels. But sometimes it can be tricky to translate.