
Suggestions on RB for fdroid

NimaKhajehpour opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey there. Thanks for your amazing app. It is great and i guess you already know we all love it. One thing that makes users life a lot easier is making your apps reproducible for fdroid. For example with the latest bug of instant crash i have to completely uninstall the fdroid instance and install the app from repository. But with RB user can just go back and forth between repository and fdroid.
Thanks for your amazing app and happy coding ❤️

Thanks for your feedback!

I have a question. 😅
What is RB?

well RB is reproducible build which means that your app will be signed with your own signature on fdroid. that means that if you have an update that has been published on your repo and is not up on fdroid yet, users can easily install it from your repo without any problem.
i might explain it a little too complicated so here is the full explanation done by fdroid maintainers itself: