
Blank screen when entering a game.

ConfuzzedCat opened this issue · 5 comments

Bug description
When creating a new game or continuing an old game, the canvas turns black. By clicking I can still hear some sounds. If I change the app, it(the canvas) also slowly gets pushed out the frame from the top(the accent color is replacing the area).
Happens both on updated with old data and a freshly installed version.

To Reproduce
No game - Start a new game or continuing an old game.
Canvas getting pushed - changing the app to another and back.

What control style do you use?
Uploaded to imgur

Expected behavior
An playable canvas/game appears.

This screenshot shows both

Android Version: 13 (Evolution X ver. 7.9.6 (Pares) | OFFICIAL)

App Version: 17.4.0 F

In 17.4.0 I'm using a new version of libgdx, that renders the game. I will rollback the version because it is causing other issues and Android and we can check if it solves this problem too.

@ConfuzzedCat I just released the 17.5.0 version. I would really appreciate if you test the apk provided here:
I hope it fixes this bug.

The screen or canvas still goes black on game start, but this time it freezes instead of not showing.
I have had this bug before, but I never got around to sending in a bug report. I will try and get a screen recording of it, but I would guess that it isnt rendering anything, since if I go into the game from another app, it just shows the open app list.
When I had it before, the game would work fine, until I changed apps, went to the home screen or locked the screen, then the same would happen, and I would have to close it, to play again.

@ConfuzzedCat I can't find a reason to this bug yet. Maybe it's something related to libgdx, so I will keep this ticket open for now.

I am sorry, I forgot record it. I am in the middle of switching to another rom. Will see if the issue persists.