
Progressive and Fixed Size problems

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
Progressive: can't change the starting size, can't start from scratch. I'm sure that in some previous version it was possible to start from the starting values.

Fixed Size: I'm not sure what this option was intended to be, but it's definitely not working right - currently showing me "10 × 19 - 846" with the mine count matching the progressive value. It's obviously impossible, and selecting it just causes the game to try forever to generate the board, unsuccessfully.

To Reproduce
Here's my settings export, this might be enough:

  "new_themes_icon_v2": false,
  "open_directly": true,
  "control_style": 3,
  "music": false,
  "new_area_size": 50,
  "tutorial_completed": true,
  "custom_game_width": 9,
  "custom_game_height": 9,
  "music_banner_last": 1687725823548,
  "assistant": false,
  "use_count": 704,
  "last_version": 1702031,
  "custom_theme": 8,
  "current_tips": 100,
  "dim_numbers": false,
  "package": "dev.lucasnlm.antimine",
  "request_donation": false,
  "show_windows": true,
  "progressive_value": 812,
  "use_open_switch_control": true,
  "allow_tap_number": true,
  "show_tutorial_dialog": false,
  "let_numbers_flag": true,
  "long_press_timeout": 435,
  "show_continue": true,
  "custom_skin": 4,
  "simon_tatham": true,
  "use_help": false,
  "custom_game_mines": 9,
  "double_click_timeout": 150,
  "unlocked_themes": "2 0 22",
  "sound_v2": false,
  "acra.lastVersionNr": 1706031,
  "should_show_tutorial_button": false

Expected behavior
Progressive: there should be a way to select starting size, after which it will grow by one after each victory as usual.

Fixed Size: I have no idea. Not more mines than squares, that's for sure.


Android Version:

OneUI 5.1, Android 13

App Version

Now 17.6.3 F but behaviour was tested on previous versions.

@NeatNit You mean a way to reset the initial value? Or really define it?
