
After mines were automatically found, they marked red if there was a mistake before

Opened this issue · 2 comments

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Sometimes I accidentally touch a mine or do an mistake but still want to continue (almost always actually). But then when I mark last free tile, all non marked mines are getting as failed. But in fact I found them.

It's more frustrating because I don't use flags. I play "blindly" as it's more complicated

Describe the solution you'd like
Mark all rest mines as resolved.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Not related but I just got idea about regimen without flags. Would be pretty hardcore one

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I'm working on a new version of the game from zero. In this new version, after you tap on a mine it will use different colors for the mine you tapped, the mine you tapped but continued, and the remain mines. Do you think this is what you need?

I hope to release this new version soon on beta.

Thank you for quick response!

Probably I consider that after last empty tile found, all not 🔥mines got marked as resolved ✅️.

Like in this video