
Add option "Allow tap on number only if sufficiently flags are placed"

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I used to play minesweeper on random websites and apps and all of them have the option where if you have a tile with the number N and you place M flags on its surrounding 8 tiles, it will open all the tiles only if M >= N. My play style is such that after opening the first time I'll play the entire game using only flags and tapping on number.
I am loving antimine but I am losing almost every game because I end up tapping on a number where M < N and a bomb gets revealed. The other minesweepers I played do nothing in such a case

Describe the solution you'd like
An option in the settings where you can specify it to only reveal tiles on numbers if M >= N. IMO it should be fine if this is the default behavior when I enable "Allow tap on number", but I discovered antimine only today so i won't question the project's design decisions.

Describe alternatives you've considered
I think adding that option should be simple 😅

Additional context
in my desired behavior this would result in nothing happening ^

If you accept contributions and think this would be a nice to have feature, I could try opening a PR here. Since, I'll definitely fork and add this feature.