
Zoom resets when leaving the screen and coming back

hisham-kitaz opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the bug
When the user zooms in and out and then leaves the screen the zoom resets.

How to reproduce:

  1. Start the Game
  2. Zoom In/Out: Use the game controls to zoom in and out while in the game.
  3. Go to Menu, Switch Apps, or Power On/Off:
    • Option A: Open the game menu.
    • Option B: Switch to another app on your device.
    • Option C: Turn off your device and then turn it back on.
  4. Return to the Game.
  5. Click continue game.

Actual behavior:

What control style do you use?

Expected behavior:
The zoom should stay how the user set it

Android Version: 14.0
App Version: 17.5.6 S
Device: POXO X3 NFC