
error: cannot find symbol class DateTimeView

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I'm having this strange error show up. I've put your DrawGreen sample class into a new sample project, and am calling

Probe.deploy(this, new DrawGreen(), new Filter.ViewId(;

on the onCreate of my Activity, just before the super.onCreate(). is just the Button class.

I dug a little and it seems like this class is getting generated:

public final class ProbeProxy$android_widget_DateTimeView extends DateTimeView
    implements InterceptableView {

But it looks like it's unable to find DateTimeView.

I'm on Android Studio 2.1.1, compileSdkVersion 23.

+1 Having the same issue!

Somewhat related to #18

Somewhat of a bummer that there's lack of development on this project.

Though not nice, you can work aronud the problem by adding this to your build.gradle file:

     gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {
         probeDebugViews << {
             String path = buildDir.absolutePath + '/generated/source/probe/debug/'
             path += variant.mergedFlavor.applicationId.replace('.', '/')
             path += '/probe'
             File targetFolder = new File(path)
             File file = new File(targetFolder, 'ProbeProxy$')
             println file

It deletes the generated Java file. I added this directly below the probe {...} entry, but anywhere at the top level should work.