
When I use multiple bottomsheets, is there a way to make the code look cleaner

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        .bottomSheet(bottomSheetPosition: $durationPosition, switchablePositions: [.dynamic]) {
                Picker("Time", selection: $durationTime) {
                    ForEach(1 ..< 60, id: \.self) { min in
                        Text(min == 1 ? "1 min" : "\(min) mins")
          .bottomSheet(bottomSheetPosition: $highTideTimesPosition, switchablePositions: [.dynamic]) {
              Picker("times", selection: $durationTime) {
                  ForEach(1 ... 20, id: \.self) { item in
                      Text("\(item) 次")

I tried to use a Modifier, but it didn't work,What should I do?

import BottomSheet
import SwiftUI
struct BottomSheetModifier<V>: ViewModifier where V: View {
    @State var position: BottomSheetPosition
    let innerView: V
    func body(content: Content) -> some View {
            .bottomSheet(bottomSheetPosition: $position, switchablePositions: [.dynamic]) {

Here's how I use it

Vstack {
            .modifier(BottomSheetModifier(position: createPosition, innerView:
                DatePicker("time", selection: $.createTime)