
I can't submit the new version to Cocoapods

Closed this issue · 2 comments

For some reason cocoa pods won't let me submit the new version.

Maybe one of you can help me. Otherwise I will need to drop cocoapods.

The first issue

When trying to update the pod to version 3.0.0, I get the following error:

Cocoapod spec: Unable to find other source ref for `Contents.json`

But after short research on StackOverflow I found out that is probably caused by the new Image Asset I added.
So I got working and after a (sadly not so) short time I got it error to disappear. Here is what I changed in the Podfile to make this error disappear:

# Optional
spec.screenshots  = '', '', '' # Added
spec.osx.deployment_target = '10.15' # Added
spec.preserve_paths = 'Sources/BottomSheet/**/*.xcassets' # Added
# Fixed the issue
spec.source_files = 'Sources/BottomSheet/**/*.swift' # was before: s.source_files = 'Sources/BottomSheet/**/*'
spec.resources = 'Sources/BottomSheet/**/*.xcassets' # Added

The first 3 are purely optional, but the last two lines fixed it. However a new error appeared. I included the first error only for context and as reference to explain the changes to the Podfile (they are NOT committed jet).

The second issue

After getting the Podfile to resolve, cocoapods started to build the project to make sure that everything is working; however for some reason it isn't and the build always fails:

 -> BottomSheetSwiftUI (3.0.0)
    - ERROR | xcodebuild: Returned an unsuccessful exit code. You can use `--verbose` for more information.
    - NOTE  | xcodebuild:  note: Using new build system
    - NOTE  | xcodebuild:  note: Using codesigning identity override: -
    - NOTE  | xcodebuild:  note: Build preparation complete
    - NOTE  | xcodebuild:  note: Planning
    - NOTE  | xcodebuild:  note: Building targets in dependency order
    - ERROR | xcodebuild:  BottomSheetSwiftUI/Sources/BottomSheet/BottomSheetView/BottomSheetView+HelperViews.swift:322:32: error: type 'Bundle' has no member 'module'
    - NOTE  | xcodebuild:  note: Using codesigning identity override: 

Analyzed 1 podspec.

[!] The spec did not pass validation, due to 2 errors.

The strange part is, that the project (obviously) builds fine. However I read here on StackOverflow that sometimes you need to change something in the build schemes of the project, to get this working.
However cocoapods handels it completely itself and I don't know how I could inject this build schemes change.
But honestly maybe even something else is the issue and it has nothing to do with build schemes.

Final words

I spend my last 2 hours on searching for solutions, but without any luck. I don't have any ideas what I could try and also im never using cocoapods myself so I don't even have any experience.
Maybe this is a common issue and I just googled the wrong questions, so please help me out. But as I said earlier, if no-one can help me here I won't be able to publish a new cocoapods release.

Fixed by dbfd88f