
Config option for pager mode always

mike-lloyd03 opened this issue · 2 comments

It would be great if there were a configuration option for forcing pager mode rather than having to use the -p flag. Setting the PAGER variable with a flag isn't possible and you also can set an environment variable to a custom function. The workaround I have in place is a script like this:


nvimpager -p <&0

And setting PAGER to that script which is not desirable.

Something like:

lua nvimpager.force_pager_mode = true

and maybe an equivalent command for cat mode would be great.

Thanks for nvimpager!

lucc commented

This is not possible with the current design of nvimpager:

In pager mode nvim is started normally with a TUI, in cat mode nvim is started with the --headless flag. But when you set an option in lua or vimscript (wither by --cmd, -c or -u) it will only be available after the nvim process has started. We can not change the headless mode after starting nvim.

I hope to change the architecture after neovim/neovim#7438 is fixed (the first step is neovim/neovim#18375). It might be possible then.

I'm actually putting together a janky PR right now. Let me know what you think once it's up.