Path issue causing certain admin pages to be broken
Yamaha32088 opened this issue · 2 comments
It seems like there is a hard coded path somewhere but I can't seem to find it. When I import this project and launch it inside of eclipse and browse to the /lucee/admin/server.cfm page and click on Debugging->Settings I get the following error:
There are several other pages that are broken inside the administration screen as well. When I grepped the directory for the file path listed it didn't find a match, there were partial matches but they were commented out.
That's not a hard coded path, it's simply the path that was used when the cfm templates were compiled to bytecode inside a lar (lucee archive) file. The entire admin is shipped as a lar and not the raw cfm files. As such, the bytecode retains the original path it had when compiled. I actually thought Micha had some work to remove those from the display because it would confuse people.
As for the actual error you're reporting, I've no clue. I see this project hasn't been touched in 4 years so it may not even work at this point. My best guess is that somehow the compiled admin code doesn't match the version of the Lucee jar being used. I would start a post over at and ping Igal and Micha to ask if this project is still supported.
For anyone else that has this issue it was solved by changing the mapping in lucee-server.xml to
<mapping archive="{lucee-config}/context/lucee-admin.lar" inspect-template="once" physical="C:\Users\MyUsername\Lucee\core\src\main\cfml\context\admin" primary="physical" readonly="true" toplevel="true" virtual="/lucee/admin-debug"/>
Of course your path may vary but basically you will want the physical path to be where you have your Lucee core code located at. See for more details