
Command 'getconf' not found in container

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Following the instruction for creating the .devcontainer using the CLI tool. I encound the following error when I try to open my project directory in the devcontainer.

[31584 ms] Command in container failed: '/path/to/.vscode-server/bin/e170252f762678dec6ca2cc69aba1570769a5d39/bin/helpers/'
[31584 ms] /path/to/.vscode-server/bin/e170252f762678dec6ca2cc69aba1570769a5d39/bin/helpers/ line 45: getconf: command not found
[31584 ms] Exit code 127
[31654 ms]
[31654 ms]

It seems that the getconf command is not available inside the container.


  • Operating System:

Darwin MacBook.local 23.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 23.3.0: Wed Dec 20 21:33:31 PST 2023; root:xnu-10002.81.5~7/RELEASE_ARM64_T8112 arm64

  • Docker Version:

Cloud integration: v1.0.35+desktop.13
Version: 26.0.0
API version: 1.45
Go version: go1.21.8
Git commit: 2ae903e
Built: Wed Mar 20 15:14:46 2024
OS/Arch: darwin/arm64
Context: desktop-linux

Server: Docker Desktop 4.29.0 (145265)
Version: 26.0.0
API version: 1.45 (minimum version 1.24)
Go version: go1.21.8
Git commit: 8b79278
Built: Wed Mar 20 15:18:02 2024
OS/Arch: linux/arm64
Experimental: false
Version: 1.6.28
GitCommit: ae07eda36dd25f8a1b98dfbf587313b99c0190bb
Version: 1.1.12
GitCommit: v1.1.12-0-g51d5e94
Version: 0.19.0
GitCommit: de40ad0

There seems to be a problem with VS Code 1.88, downgrading to 1.85 solves the problem.