luci/recipes-py ignores --no-fetch and --deps-path

Opened this issue · 11 comments

eg. in the Skia repo:

$ mkdir /tmp/recipe_deps
$ infra/bots/ --deps-path=/tmp/recipe_deps fetch
$ infra/bots/ --deps-path=/tmp/recipe_deps --no-fetch simulation_test train
(clones recipe_engine into infra/bots/.recipe_deps without looking for it in /tmp/recipe_deps)

The clone is taking a long time on our raspberry pi bots, and we'd like to package the recipe_deps as a CIPD package, and then run in our swarming task with --no-fetch. CIPD doesn't like to install to skia/infra/bots/.recipe_deps, so we have to install it elsewhere and use --deps-path to point to the right place, but because of this bug we clone the recipe engine unnecessarily even when the user requested us not to.

The recipe engine wrapper you have in your repo (copy in this repo is at doc/ automatically tries to fetch the recipe engine to .recipe_deps. It doesn't try to detect the --deps-path argument, which is a bug. Will fix

"CIPD doesn't like to install to skia/infra/bots/.recipe_deps"

what do you mean by that?

Now that I look again, it seems to be isolate failing to write files after CIPD has written into skia/infra/bots/.recipe_deps: Anyway, the nesting causes problems.

Yeah, isolate probably expects clean directory :-/

FYI, I'm adding a 'bundle' command to recipes which will generate a stand-alone hermetic version of the recipes in a given repo. It is designed with these sorts of uses in mind (fetching in a single location, totally offline operation, compatibility with isolate). I have a preliminary CL up here:

Sounds great!

Friendly ping. This is causing us a lot of pain and we'd like to get rid of the transparent fetching.

I think the CL ( is good to go. Pinged it

unfortunately that CL is not good to go yet, and I stalled on it. it's still on my radar though and I'll be actually fixing it this quarter.

This is actually fixed now (forgot to reference this bug!):

As of this morning, is still ignoring --no-fetch:

$ infra/bots/ --deps-path=/tmp/recipe_deps --no-fetch simulation_test train
Cloning into '/usr/local/google/home/borenet/go/src/'...
remote: Total 6188 (delta 3847), reused 6188 (delta 3847)
Receiving objects: 100% (6188/6188), 6.78 MiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3847/3847), done.
WARNING:root:(Not Bad) Using custom deps path: /tmp/recipe_deps
Trained 6 tests in 0.237s (ran 6 tests)