
Unofficial Python wrapper for Mercado Bitcoin Trade API.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Unofficial Mercado Bitcoin Trade API Python Wrapper

mbpy is an open source python wrapper for Mercado Bitcoin Trade API.


  • Mercado Bitcoin Auth (requires API Key)
  • View Account Balance
  • Buy & Sell cryptocurrencies
  • Manage Orders
  • Withdraw/Transfer funds
  • View Mercado Bitcoin Public Orderbook info


This a unofficial independent project that makes use of a public API using your user account credentials on Mercado Bitcoin crypto trading platform. It is provided 'as is' without express or implied warranty. Use it at your own risk.


Step 1

Clone the project repository:

$ git clone github.com/lucianoayres/mbpy.git

Step 2

Make sure you have the following Python packages installed:

  • hashlib
  • hmac
  • json
  • time
  • http
  • urlib

Step 3

mbpy makes use of Mercado Bitcoin´s official Trade API, so log in on their website and generate your API Key (TAPI ID) and Secret (TAPI SECRET) pair.

Step 4

Create a new Python script, import mbpy and create a new instance of it using your TAPI ID and TAPI Secret

from mbpy import mbpy

mbClient = mbpy('YOUR_TAPI_ID', 'YOUR_TAPI_SECRET')


# Place a Market Buy order of R$ 150 in Bitcoin
response = mbClient.placemarketbuyorder('BRLBTC','150')

if response['status_code'] == 100:
  if response['error_message] != '':
    print('Mercado Bitcoin API is temporarily unavailable')

IMPORTANT: Check Mercado Bitcoin Trade API for a complete list of coin IDs and minimum purchase amount per coin category.


# Place a Buy order of 0.002 Ethereum with a limit price of R$ 700
mbClient.placebuyorder('BRLETH','0.002', '700')
# Place a Market Sell order of 0.005 Bitcoin Cash
# Place a Sell order of 0.1 Litecoin with a minimal price of R$ 1.800,50
mbClient.placesellorder('BRLLTC', '0.1', '1800.50')

Additional Methods

Check the source code comments to learn more about the remaining methods:

  • listsystemmessages
  • getaccountinfo
  • getorder
  • cancelorder
  • listorders
  • listorderbook
  • withdraw_coin



MIT License