
hoodie super power to the frontend!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



couchDB_endpoint = 'http://worlddominatorapp.iriscouch.com';
hoodie = new Hoodie(couchDB_endpoint);

Accounts / Sessions

Sign Up

app.account.sign_up('joe@example.com', 'secret')

  .done( function(user) {
    user.email // 'joe@example.com'
    user.uuid  // auto generated
    // data sync kicks in
  } ) 
  // signup error
  .fail( function(err) {
    alert("Oops: " + err.message)
  } ) 

Sign In

app.account.sign_in('joe@example.com', 'secret')

  .done( function(user) {
    // data sync kicks in
  } ) 
  .fail( function(err) {
    alert("Oops: " + err.message)
  } ) 

Change password

app.account.change_password('current_secret', 'new_secret')

  .done( function(user) { } ) 
  .fail( function(err)  { } )


If you want to make sure that a user is authenticated with a valid session, you can use the authenticate method.


  .done( function(user) {
    // you are authenticated, your session is valid
  } ) 
  .fail( function(err) {
    // sorry, but your not authenticated, probably your session expired
  } ) 

Sign Out


  .done( function() {
    // session ends, local data gets cleaned up
  } ) 
  .fail( function(err) {
    alert("Oops: " + err.message)
  } ) 

Forgot Password


  .done( function() {
    alert( "Link has been sent to joe@example.com")
  } ) 
  .fail( function(err) {
    alert("Oops: " + err.message)
  } )

Data Storage / Sync


helper to generate unique IDs that you can use to store your objects.

uuid = app.store.uuid(length)

Create / Update

create or update an object.

// create a new object
type = 'rule'
app.store.create( type, {name: "rule the world"} )
  .done ( function(new_object) { } )
  .fail ( function(err)        { } )
// save an object
id   = 'abc4567'
type = 'rule'
app.store.save( type, id, {name: "rule the world"} )
  .done ( function(object) { } )
  .fail ( function(err)        { } )
// update an existing object
id   = 'abc4567'
type = 'rule'
app.store.update( type, id, {nr: 1} )
  .done ( function(updated_object) { } )
  .fail ( function(err)        { } )


load an existing object

app.store.load( type, id )

  .done ( function(object) { } )
  .fail ( function(err)    { } )

Load all

load all objects available or from a specific type

app.store.loadAll( type )

  .done ( function(objects) { } )
  .fail ( function(err)     { } )


delete an existing object

app.store.delete( type, id )

  .done ( function(deleted_object) { } )
  .fail ( function(err)            { } )

Remote Updates

subscribe to changes from remote

// new doc created
app.remote.on( 'created', function( type, id, created_object) { } )

// existing doc updated
app.remote.on( 'updated', function( type, id, updated_object) { } )

// doc deleted
app.remote.on( 'deleted', function( type, id, deleted_object) { } )

// any of above events
app.remote.on( 'changed', function( type, id, changed_object) { } )

// all listeners can be filtered by type
app.remote.on( "created:couch", function( id, created_object) { } )
app.remote.on( "updated:couch", function( id, updated_object)  { } )
app.remote.on( "deleted:couch", function( id, deleted_object) { } )
app.remote.on( "changed:couch", function( id, changed_object) { } )

Send E-Mails

hell, yeah!

email = {
  to      : ['susan@example.com'],
  cc      : ['bill@example.com'],
  subject : 'rule the world',
  body    : "we can do it!\nSigned, Joe"

app.email.send( email )

  // synched to server
  .progress ( function(email) { } )

  // email sent successfully
  .done     ( function(email) { } )

  // something went wrong
  .fail     ( function(err)   { } )

Future Ideas

  • sharing
  • searching
  • payments
  • file conversion
  • ... ?


Hoodie depends on and require.js. It currently also depends on jQuery/zepto, but we will remove the dependance soon.


When you feel like contributing, I highly recommend to install PhantomJS for automated, headless testing. Run $ cake autotest to have test running in the background while hacking.

When you're done with changes, make sure to run $ r.js -o name=hoodie baseUrl=./compiled out=hoodie.min.js to update the concatenated & minified js file for production use.

License & Copyright

(c) 2012 Gregor Martynus g@minutes.io Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.