
Namespace in lucid "make" command

yeftaw opened this issue · 2 comments

Please add an option to set namespace when creating file like: controller, job, etc. In artisan we can do like this: php artisan make:controller "Catalog\ProductController", then this file will be located on app\Http\Controllers\Catalog\ProductController.php. Can we do it on lucid command which is similar to the artisan command?

Thank you.

Sure, lucid make:controller Users API will create the UsersController in the API service, the namespace for that would be app\Services\API\Http\Controllers\UsersController.

Unless you are looking to group that service's controllers in separate directories. Something like lucid make:controller Users\Search API would create the `UsersSearchController.

From an architecture perspective, i believe that the services layer will spare you the need to do this kind of grouping. Maybe consider Catalog as a service itself?

Agreed with you Kinane.