
scala 2.12 support

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Upgrade build to support 2.11 and 2.12.

I started working on this on But I can't get it to compile the tests on 2.12 because "org.specs2" % "specs2-cats_2.12" % "3.8.9" doesn't exist. More generally, there doesn't seem to be an artifact for specs2-cats on 2.12 (which is a dependency of specs2, which is used for the unit tests).

Also, play_functional for 2.12 is still just a release candidate. It isn't stable yet. If you want make a pull request with working support for 2.12, I'll merge it. But for now, I'm inclined to wait until upstream dependencies have better support for 2.12.

The first problem can probably be solved by depending on specs2-core instead of specs2.

The second problem could be resolved by #5

I've released a 2.12 build. It should show up on maven central soon.