
Update Return type of JWT::urlsafeB64Decode

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After debugging for a while in my personal implementation of this library I released it is possible for the following method to return false on failure as well as the decoded string. This can happen when the core PHP base64_decode method returns false on failure because this method is returned in the parent method. To fix possible confusion my suggestion would be to update the method to use a union type to avoid confusion in the future. I imagine this can occur because the class is not strictly typed.

     * Decode a string with URL-safe Base64.
     * @param string $input A Base64 encoded string
     * @return string A decoded string
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException invalid base64 characters
    public static function urlsafeB64Decode(string $input): string
        return \base64_decode(self::convertBase64UrlToBase64($input));


     * Decode a string with URL-safe Base64.
     * @param string $input A Base64 encoded string
     * @return string|false A decoded string or false on failure
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException invalid base64 characters
    public static function urlsafeB64Decode(string $input): string|false
        return \base64_decode(self::convertBase64UrlToBase64($input));