####Copy Anywhere, Paste once.
CopyMate is a Mac App try to save you from these situations:
- Selective copy some lines from bunch of code.
- Copy A from Terminal, copy B from Chrome, Copy C from Sublime then paste to XCode.
Default Shortcut Key:
- ⌃⇧C -> Copy, Append content already in pasteboard.
- ⌃⇧1 -> Switch default format string, you can configure in preferences panel
- ⌃⇧2 -> Switch alternative format string.
⌘+C -> ⌃⇧C -> ⌃⇧C -> ⌃⇧2 -> ⌃⇧C -> ⌘V
Copy -> Append Copy -> Append Copy -> Change separator to space -> Append Copy -> Paste
- quickcursor
- MASShortcut
- Copy Text designed by Chris Alpaerts from The Noun Project
- gittip-badge