
Feature Request; Multichat Rooms.

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I know that this plugin hasn't been touched for a while, which probably only speaks to how good it is.

I am using it for chat with small network of multiple server running different versions of Sponge, Bukkit and SpongeForge. I use LuckPerms with all of them and on the Bungee as well. What I would like to do is be able to have multiple chat rooms for the various roles. Staff has Staff Chat, Admins have Admin Chat, VIP's have VIP chat and of course a global chat.

just wondering if you could consider adding this to the plugin? Or suggest something that would do what I want?

lucko commented

Sorry, very unlikely to be added anytime soon. I don't have as much free time as I used to do for working on my plugins, and I'm trying to focus my efforts where I think it will be most useful (LuckPerms).

However, I would accept a good PR implementing this.

And again, sorry, I don't know of any other plugins that do this.

Any updates?