[Documentation] Unable to get up and running on MacOSX
jbkc85 opened this issue · 17 comments
First of all, this looks awesome. I saw it in action and really wanted to see what I could do with it, as I generally like using games to show off the need for an intelligent orchestration system like kubernetes.
With that being said, I am either missing something or I am unable to connect to my kubernetes cluster for some odd reason :-(.
MacOSX: Mojave 10.14.6
KubeInvaders MacApp: 0.2.9-podlogs
$ cat ~/.KubeInv.json
"token": "suchalongtoken",
"endpoint": "https://path.to.eks:443",
"namespace": "dev-namespace"
I am using Kubernetes v1.17 in EKS, and have verified connectivity outside of the KubeInv program. However when connecting, i simply get an 'Error Connecting to Endpoint' with no additional logs.
Is there anything I am missing here? When using the Mac Application am I still to install the Helm chart? I am unable to find logs to sort things out at this time and would love the feedback.
Is this perhaps due to a self-signed certificate?
Hi @jbkc85 thank you for using KubeInvaders! So, you did not install KubeInv into your K8s cluster but you used "workstation version" that is ok.
If you docurl https://path.to.eks:443 -v
is the connection ok?
I don't think is a problem related to che certificate but I never tested this kind of installation with EKS. I need to bootstrap an EKS cluster :)
Yup! I get a 403 response:
"kind": "Status",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"status": "Failure",
"message": "forbidden: User \"system:anonymous\" cannot get path \"/\"",
"reason": "Forbidden",
"details": {
"code": 403
However, I did need to pass in the -k
for an insecure certificate. I wish i knew the underlying code well enough to contribute - so I do apologize :-(
Hi! Thank you! Given that is not a connectivity problem and not a permission problem I have to do some test or add more information for debugging. For example in case of access denied the status report this:
I updated the documentation because I forgot to update the link for downloading the release with the new spaceships
I will let you know! I will create an EKS cluster!
thank you much! I hope its not too bothersome. I just wanted to use this for my own show and tell about the need for an automatic scheduler :-)
Hi, I made a fix in to the latest docker image.. please try it
Thanks @lucky-sideburn ! It works w/in the k8s cluster now. Out of curiosity - what all changed?
gr8! it was a bug on nginx inside the kubeinvaders container.
Fixed in this commit 04117c8
I'm trying to use this wonderful project with EKS (1.17) too.
I'm able to run it on docker-for-desktop on my mac but I get a connection error (Error connecting to https://eks-api-endpoint:443
) when using EKS (with mac app 0.2.8-ui or 0.2.9-podlogs). Using curl to the EKS api endpoint works.
Also I'm not sure how to get the proper token to put in ~/.KubeInv.json.
Can you show me to the correct way to use kubeinvaders with EKS?
Hi @madcat78 sorry for my delay!
Are you using "Run Directly from Docker" or "Install client on your workstation"?
I'm trying to use this wonderful project with EKS (1.17) too.
I'm able to run it on docker-for-desktop on my mac but I get a connection error (Error connecting to https://eks-api-endpoint:443
) when using EKS (with mac app 0.2.8-ui or 0.2.9-podlogs). Using curl to the EKS api endpoint works.
Also I'm not sure how to get the proper token to put in ~/.KubeInv.json.
Can you show me to the correct way to use kubeinvaders with EKS?
I actually ran directly from kubernetes using the helm chart in the repo. I did not run anything on my localhost.
No worries @lucky-sideburn .
I'm using "Install client on your workstation".
But probably I should install the helm chart as @jbkc85 did...
Hi @jbkc85! Is it working?
Hi @madcat78 and @jbkc85 I tried Kubeinvaders with EKS (client on my workstation) and it seems work correctly. I prepared for you a script for creating the configuration
Amazing! Thank you!
But I still get the connection error...
Is it because I use the aws-iam-authenticator?
For instance when I use kubectl I don't have to add the --insecure-skip-tls-verify
Amazing! Thank you!
But I still get the connection error...
Is it because I use the aws-iam-authenticator?
For instance when I use kubectl I don't have to add the--insecure-skip-tls-verify
if that is so, you can generate a kubeconfig with a temporary token may be and try, i
This installation method is not supported anymore. Please use the Helm Chart.