
Feedback tab does not appear

itjmccarthy opened this issue · 0 comments

Thank you for creating such a useful plug-in but, despite following your directions, I can't get the feedback tab to appear.
1-I have a Google Analytics account already and copied and pasted the code from my GA account into the top of my main.html file (as you did in the demo).
2-I downloaded your zipped files and copied the feedback.js file to my assets/js folder in my Bootstrap project folder
3-I pasted the following into my main.html file:
<script src="assets/js/feedback.js"></script>

<script> Namespace.gaf.init( { 'open': 'Feedback', 'title': 'We would love to hear your thoughts!', 'option1': 'Problem', 'option2': 'Suggestion', 'option3': 'Compliment', 'option4': 'Other', 'placeholder': 'Please enter your feedback here…', 'send': 'Send', 'thankyou': 'Thank you for your feedback!' } ); </script>

4-I am using Chrome

Is there something else I should be doing?
Thanks you,