
JavaScript tooling

benjie opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey @lucmos thanks for writing this package, it's just what I was looking for!

This was my first dabble with plasma, so I spent some time setting up my regular JS tooling for it (TypeScript, ESLint, prettier, etc) and reformatting the code slightly. I've not opened my changes as a PR because they were really just for me, but if you're interested in a PR I'd be happy to clean them up and send one through. If you're not interested (which I'd completely understand! who needs a build-step for something simple like this?!) feel free to just close this issue.

My fork is here:

The main code you'd care about is in src/main.ts:

(Don't worry about the type definitions above line 153, they'll be factored out at some point.)


PS: do you know, where's the canonical documentation of API this JS code consumes?

@benjie thank you for the refactoring!
Actually this mini script has been my first and only experience with Javascript, so I'm not experienced in the JS tooling and ecosystem.

At the moment I'm a bit busy with other stuff, in a few weeks I'll read everything at least to learn some new useful stuff :)

If I remember correctly, I looked up the docs here and took inspiration from another script I found online to understand how to move windows.

Thanks for sharing that link. Take all the time you need, I just raised this issue for your interest 👍